Payment by Credit Card/Transfer

Payment by credit card

Carte Bleu

You can pay by credit card, MasterCard or Visa.

For maximum security, we have partnered with a renowned secure payment platform. The security is done via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology, the most reliable and widespread on the Internet.

Sansone secures transactions with Société Générale. We use the SSL encryption process which encrypts all your personal data as it is entered. No credit card numbers are stored at Sansone.

There are two other indicators to ensure that our site is using a secure connection at all times during the payment process:

- TheCadena symbol appears.

- Our site is secure. This guarantees your security when browsing our site. You can see this by the internet address https:// ("s" stands for secure).

By bank transfer

Virement Bancaires

  • Your information will be immediately processed in full confidentiality and your order will be validated as soon as your transfer is accepted.
  • However, this increases the processing time of your order.

The Sansone team is at your service if you have any questions